Teaching with Technology

                Technology provides numerous tools that teachers can use in and out of the classroom to enhance student learning. This page provides an introduction to some of the most common. 
            There are also numerous on-line resources about using technology to enhance teaching in a number of different ways.  I believe technology can have the power of fast learning which is measurable and self- propelled. As a teacher who is Using  a wide variety of tools in the classroom for the past many years i have seen it with my own students. 
             in short it can minimize wastage time, changes the  the hard-work into smart work, reduces monotonous and bring the experience into the classroom in which students will not forget the learning. for that i would like to share a things which i found useful and beneficial in the path of the teacher.
1. A digital blackboard 
          Microsoft One note has many advantages of sharing and storing information in real-ground. Alternatives are iXplain, Whiteboard and many more. They are usable in preparation process, share information, analyse our blueprint and detailed presentation in classroom.
2.Presentation Software
        Sometimes it's helpful to provide visual aids to complement teaching, stimulate discussion, or allow out-of-class teaching. Tools designed for this purpose MS Sways is the best i feel, such as PowerPoint, can be used well or used badly. Click here for resources that provide advice for thoughtful use of PowerPoint, as well as a few additional presentation tools.

3.Classroom Response Systems

One way to encourage student engagement is by using electronic devices that allow students to record their answers to multiple choice questions and allow you to instantly display the results. The anonymity encourages participation, and their answers help the teacher know when further discussion is needed.  Use of clickers can also serve as a catalyst for discussion.  

4. Online Projects and Collaboration Tools

       Technology can support student collaboration on creating new knowledge, reflecting on what they are learning, or working together to achieve a deeper understanding of course material. 

5. Information Visualization Tools

        Technology can also clarify and stimulate thought through transforming words into pictures.  Here are some tools to help lead your students to think more critically by encouraging them to visually structure information.
6.Flipping the Classroom
          Sometimes a great way to move them toward higher levels of understanding is to move the lecture out of the classroom, and use in-person time for interactions that require applying, synthesizing, and creating. "Flipping" doesn't have to use technology, but tools such as videos, podcasts, online quizzes and the like can help in and out of class activity work together. 

7. Connecting Classroom

        A flipped classroom activity or just as a resource for your students, you may want to connect to other educators from whom you may receive a astounding experience. For this 'Skype' sessions provides immense benefits.
        What could be more engaging than a good game, used well? These articles discuss why a game may lead to deeper learning and give some examples of their use in higher education. Kahoot, Tarsia, Minecraft and so on. Especially Minecraft. From this tool you will provide a imaginary word to the hands of the children. Try this, they will never forget.

9. Teaching with Tablet Computers

       We're only beginning to explore their many possibilities for higher education.  Here are some ideas. I hope these will help you in flipping your classroom.

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